Please note that our prices are only estimates and are subject to change.
The prices listed include VAT.
Certain special services are not available in all our practices, please inquire about the availability of the specific treatment in the chosen practice prior to your first consultation.
For the most accurate information, please consult our practice via phone or e-mail.
Our special prices may not be the subject of reduced rates for other reasons.
Thank you for understanding.
Today’s exchange rate: 1 EUR = 398 HUF
10 EUR
20 EUR
Orthopantomogram - panoramic radiograph
20 EUR
tele x-ray
30 EUR
New patient examination and consultation, treatment plan
100 EUR
10 000 alkalom
Góckutatás hozott röntgnnel
20 000 alkalom
Góckutatás röntgennel
10 000 HUF
Availability fee
100 EUR
Scale removal, polish, dental hygiene consultation
125 EUR
EMS-biofilm therapy
8 000 HUF / session
Familiarization session (30 minutes)
15 000 HUF / tooth
Trepanation of a primary tooth
18 000 HUF / tooth
Trepanation of a primary multirooted tooth
17 000 HUF / tooth
Baby tooth extraction with injection
5 000 HUF / tooth
Baby tooth cleaning
18 000 HUF
Tejfog tömése
50 EUR
Inner tooth whitening/tooth
100 EUR
At-home tooth whitening: whitening agent (Opalessence)
100 EUR
At-home tooth whitening: tray
200 EUR
In-office tooth whitening (Beyond)
30 000 HUF
Teljes fogsor tisztítása alsó-felső fogíven
30 EUR
50 EUR
Splinting of teeth using tape (tape reinforced with fiberglass)/tooth
60 EUR
closed curage/tooth
120 EUR
open curage/tooth
120 EUR
Crown lengthening surgery/tooth
125 EUR
regenerative surgery/tooth
125 EUR
Gum recession restoration surgery/tooth, mucoderm (using MEMBRANE)/tooth+membrane price
125 EUR
Vestibular plastic surgery
125 EUR
Alveolar preservation surgery (preserving the dental socket for later dental implantation), + price
125 EUR
Gummy-smile treatment/tooth
125 EUR
Directed bone regeneration (jaw bone reconstruction) + material price/arch
155 EUR
Connective tissue or free flap transplantation surgery (around teeth or implants), training of tight
215 EUR
gum recesio/tooth
215 EUR
Surgery to restore gum recession, surgery with own connective tissue/tooth
220 EUR
Connective tissue or free flap transplantation, Soft tissue augmentation surgery
235 EUR
open curage/quadrant
375 EUR
closed curage/arch
465 EUR
Directed bone regeneration (jaw bone reconstruction) with own bone
40 000 sextans
Closed curattage
30 000 Ft / fog
Nyitott küret
100 000 +titán membrán/csavar
Irányított csontregeneráció (állcsont rekonstrukciója) nem felszívódó membránnal
15 EUR
25 EUR
Cariosan (medicated filling)
50 EUR
Tooth neck filling
80 EUR
Tooth-coloured filling (small)
90 EUR
Tooth-coloured filling (medium)
110 EUR
Tooth-coloured filling (large)
185 EUR
Inlay/Onlay (Gradia)
300 EUR
Pressed ceramic inlay (E.max)
300 EUR
Pressed ceramic veneer (E.max)
3 500 HUF / db
Kofferdam izolálás
45 000 HUF
Direct veneer with composite
220 EUR
Biomimetical filling (small)
250 EUR
Biomimetical filling (medium)
280 EUR
Biomimetical filling (large)
14 000 HUF / tooth
Fissure sealant
20 EUR
Medicinal treatment of root canal / session
25 EUR
Root canal filling removal (one canal)
35 EUR
Root canal filling removal (two canals)
40 EUR
Root canal filling removal (three canals)
70 EUR
Opening of tooth with one canal
75 EUR
Root canal filling (one canal)
80 EUR
Root canal filling (two canals)
85 EUR
Opening of tooth with two canals
90 EUR
Mechanical expansion of rooting 1 channel
90 EUR
Root canal filling (more than two canals)
95 EUR
Mechanical expansion of rooting 2 channel
100 EUR
Opening of tooth with three canals
100 EUR
Mechanical expansion of rooting 3 or more channel
6 000 Ft / fog
6 000 Ft / db
Kofferdam izolálás
25 900 HUF
Gyökérkezelés-trepanálás (1csat)
30 900 HUF
Gyökérkezelés-trepanálás (2csat)
35 500 HUF
Gyökérkezelés-trepanálás (3csat)
35 500 HUF
Gyökérkezelés-trepanálás (4csat.)
28 500 HUF
Gyökérkezelés gépi tágítással 1 csatorna
30 500 HUF
Gyökérkezelés gépi tágítással 2 csatorna
32 500 HUF
Gyökérkezelés gépi tágítással 3 vagy több csatorna
5 000 fog
Máshol elkezdett gyökérkezelt fog átöblítése
10 000 fog
Máshol elkezdett gyökérkezelt fog trepanálása
20 EUR
Crown / bridge removal/tooth
25 EUR
Temporary crown (short therm)
30 EUR
Re cementing a crown
35 EUR
Temporary crown (long therm)
40 EUR
stump construction
95 EUR
Clips (up to 3 units)
95 EUR
Repair a denture/jaw
95 EUR
Underline / reline a denture/jaw
250 EUR
Inlay / Onlay bridge
300 EUR
Metal ceramic crown
360 EUR
Zirconium crown
360 EUR
E.max crown by Ivoclar (Pressed full porcelain)
700 EUR
Removable denture
800 EUR
Partial removable denture with metal base
1 000 EUR
Removable overdenture with bar attachment
1 300 EUR
Removable denture with hidden attachment
1 500 EUR
Telescopic removable denture
15 000 teeth
Mock-up planning + guide
15 000 teeth
Mock-up planning + guide
10 000 HUF
Digital prosthetic impression
25 000 HUF
Digital implant prosthetic impression
Post-extraction wound treatment
20 EUR
30 EUR
55 EUR
Front teeth extraction
65 EUR
Premolar teeth extraction
65 EUR
Root extraction
75 EUR
Molar extraction
100 EUR
Wisdom tooth extraction
120 EUR
Surgical tooth and root extraction
120 EUR
Root tip resection
120 EUR
Maxillary sinus surgery/tooth
150 EUR
Surgical wisdom teeth extraction
12 000 fog
30 EUR
250 EUR
300 EUR
Metal ceramic crown on implant (CAD/CAM)
300 EUR
360 EUR
Zirconium crown on implant (CAD/CAM)
480 EUR
Bone replacement surgery
600 EUR
Sinus lift + bone replacement surgery
700 EUR
Dentium Implantátum
5 400 EUR
All on 4 fix overdenture (full set with PFM overdenture)
5 600 EUR
All on 4 fix overdenture (full set with zirconium overdenture)
35 000 HUF
Dentium temporary abutment
80 000 HUF
Dentium implant head
90 000 HUF
Dentium Multiunit abutment
15 000 HUF
Healing screw
35 000 HUF
Cylinder (for All-on-4 treatment) / per tooth
130 000 HUF
Bone grafting (in case of 0.5 g bone graft material)
50 000 HUF
Bone grafting with autogenous bone
150 000 HUF
Bone grafting with autogenous tooth (Dentin Grinder)
240 000 Ft / db
Straumann SLA
100 000 HUF
Implant guide
50 000 HUF
Implant removal
400 000 HUF
Locator denture on 2 implants
590 000 HUF
Locator denture on 4 implants
20 EUR
Digaital panoramic x-ray
30 EUR
Oral examination with screening consultation
50 EUR
Impression for planning
150 EUR
statement of braces METAL
200 EUR
statement of braces AESTHETIC
700 EUR
Fix appliance METAL
800 EUR
Fix appliance AESTHETIC
6 000 db
Gyűrű visszaragasztása
10 000 db
Új gyűrű ragasztása
20 000 HUF
Fogszabályozó konzultáció lenyomatvétellel
500 000 HUF
K Clear - Extra small Package
700 000 HUF
K Clear - Small Package
1 000 000 HUF
K Clear - Medium Package
1 500 000 HUF
K Clear - Large Package
100 000 HUF
Kivehető Retainer(éjszakai)
580 000 szett
Clear Correct Mini
880 000 szett
Clear Correct One
1 250 000 szett
Clear Correct Two
1 450 000 szett
Clear Correct Unlimited
80 000 db
Dezorientációs sín
10 000 alkalom
Hyrax ragasztás
10 000 alkalom
Hyrax levétel
15 000 alkalom
Kezelési terv + mintavétel
60 000 alkalom
Lip Bumper
10 000 alkalom
Retainer ragasztás
10 000 alkalom
Retainer eltávolítás
25 000 HUF
Fix retainer ragasztás
8 000 fog
Microscope flushing
10 000 fog
Microscope needle
25 000 terület
Részleges EMS therapy
30 000 alkalom
Microscope endo consultation with CT
40 000 fog
Microscope front tooth canal opening and medicated filling
40 000 fog
Microscope obturation
40 000 fog
Microscope magnification
50 000 fog
Microscope grinding opening
50 000 fog
Microscope grinding magnification
50 000 fog
Microscope grinding filling
65 000 fog
Microscope wide opening
65 000 fog
Microscope coarse grading
65 000 fog
Microscope coarse filling
65 000 kis terület
Clip (1-2 teeth)
120 000 nagy terület
Clip (more than 2 teeth)
600 000 teeth
280 EUR
Zirconium inlay
300 EUR
Biomimetical build up
550 EUR
General anesthesia
250 EUR
General anesthesia (second hour)